
Profile - Lucille Faro

Battle of the Baakens

UP IN ARMS: Framesby Gardens res­i­dents Ol­lie My­burg, left, and War­ren van der Merwe in the Baak­ens Val­ley with some of the piles of de­bris left be­hind by re­cent log­ging ac­tiv­ity
UP IN ARMS: Framesby Gardens res­i­dents Ol­lie My­burg, left, and War­ren van der Merwe in the Baak­ens Val­ley with some of the piles of de­bris left be­hind by re­cent log­ging ac­tiv­ity

An eco-battle has erupted in the Framesby Gardens section of the Baakens Valley where the community and a timber merchant are at loggerheads.

Framesby Gardens resident Ollie Myburg said yesterday the community had been left angry and upset by logger Shaun Devine’s activities in their neck of the woods between Flormay and Kabeg...